2024.3 introduces new features in reports, properties, event handlers, and more.
For more information about the features highlighted below, visit your MINT manual or see the video.
How you can use it:
Now, you can report on outstanding items to gain a better picture of all assigned record items that have not yet been graded.
Switch Between Web Applications
The feature:
Switch between TMS Web and the WebPortal
How you can use it:
Tired of typing out a whole new URL every time you want to switch between TMS Web and the WebPortal? Now, you can configure a toggle in the top bar to quickly move between the web applications.
Organize Files from Properties
The feature:
Automatically organize uploaded files
How you can use it:
To avoid dropping files from FILE-type properties, notification attachments, or sign-off forms directly in the FTP directory, MINT will now automatically organize these files into folders (two levels). This will improve system performance.
Server Preference Placeholder for File Actions
The feature:
Utilize a server preference placeholder in file actions
How you can use it:
To allow more flexibility when populating file event handler action properties, we implemented a new placeholder that allows you to reference server preference values: %pref:<prefname>%. This placeholder, for example, could be used to create file paths that don’t need to be updated from environment to environment (e.g. test to production migration).
Support Binary for HTTP Request Action
The feature:
HTTP Request actions now support binary files
How you can use it:
You can now use the HTTP Request action to retrieve binary files, expanding the functionality of the action for advanced integrations.